Project 2, 3.2, body of work summary

Note 1: some of the elements referred to are only visible via the Artivive app. Note 2: Re the text boxes, see earlier in this blog where I talk about the way in which labels for art work changed … Continue reading Project 2, 3.2, body of work summary

Legacy 3.2 Part Three: collaboration, audience, and social media

For this project, I intend to approach a service for adults with intellectual disabilities that I know from my previous job and from which I recruited participants to an NIHR Invention for Innovation funded research project involving the virtual world … Continue reading Legacy 3.2 Part Three: collaboration, audience, and social media

Dissertation – preparation log

13th December 2022. Consider this a scrap book of ideas, clips, reminders, accumulated references, and images. “A Dissertation is a longer piece of academic writing. It should be between4000-6000 words long, or an equivalent presentation. Writing your Dissertationhas been split … Continue reading Dissertation – preparation log

Virtual Gallery

When you start learning how to make visual art, no one tells you how it will take over every surface in your house and some of it will be wet. Contrast this with writing where books stay on shelves and your desk with its computer and printer is generally all the space a good story needs. Back it up, shut it down, no washing or mopping involved. The other big difference is that writing goes into books which go into shops or online magazines, it doesn’t hang around where you can trip over it, and it certainly doesn’t need bubble … Continue reading Virtual Gallery

A Sun’s Lament

#1. Young Gun Sun In its prime, and so bright and yellow it was almost green, the sun flexed its youthful muscles, spewing out mighty pillars of gas into the void; pulsing tsunamis of electromagnetic waves towards its neighbours as if there were cosmic surfers to ride them; telling its audience stories about chariots and that it would live forever. What were a few billion years anyway? In fact, what even was a year? It spat thunderous flares no ears could hear, played hide and seek behind the moon, and thought death was forever away, until one day it grew … Continue reading A Sun’s Lament