3.2 Pillars of Creation – project 4

Somehow there are no earlier shots of this. Maybe because it spent a lot of time wet, runny, bleeding (into other parts of itself) and flat on its back.

It’s a small canvas on which I made invisible marks with vaseline and then poured dilute paint over to go where gravity took it. As this began to dry, I poured different coloured paint into discrete areas and let that move as circumstances permitted.

The result is a series of tall shapes surrounded by blots and dots of colour which reminded me of the Pillars of Creation in the Eagle Nebula. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pillars_of_Creation

If I can catch it with the sun behind it in the morning, I think it will be cosmic.

29th May and in a supreme act of de-pomposification, pareidolia gives me an amphibian with a guitar. Bonzo Frog.

3rd June.

SCH 2024

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